Monday, March 29, 2010

Dealing with the unexpected...

I had a 4 hour workshop this morning, so knowing that I had to be at work for 8:30am, I had planned to set off at 7:30, just in case I had problems with the traffic - bearning in mind that this is the day after the clocks went forward.  My body knew fine well that when my alarm went off at 6:30, it was "really" only 5:30 *yawn*

Didn't do too badly, and was out of the house by 7:45, however then came something unexpected... my normal exit off the motorway was closed so i had to continue on and take the next exit, and even though there ware diversion signs I still managed to get myself turned around in town and only just made it to work on time... where I was faced with "breakfast"

I made a poor choice, even though there was fruit available, I chose to have a sweet bread roll and a coffee.  OK so it was poor nutritionally rather than calorie wise, as it was only a small roll, and I did avoid the buttery croissants!

Well we went at it for 4 hours, and in that time I only managed to have one other small coffee, so I was down on my water, as I usually drink at least 2L of mineral water a day.

The workshop actually over ran by 45mins, and we were all surprised to find that lunch had been provided.  I was very anxious to return to my desk, however, and limited my lunch to 2 felafel and 2 jalapeño poppers, oh and a party size strawberry tart I took back to my desk.

Not a great lunch, but not as bad as it could have been if I'd had my "oh stuff it" head on.

Later I rushed out of work trying to get to the garden centre to see if my chicks had arrived, but got stuck in traffic again.  I got to the garden centre only 30 mins before they closed, and my chicks hadn't arrived :o(  I did buy a couple of 60L trub trugs though, and when I got home I got out into the garden and started pruning my rather overgrown bushes.

The evening was rather balmy, and I thoroughly enjoyed my hour outside in the evening sun... it feels like the warm weather is just around the corner - at last!

Tonight I have officially signed on for OBK mk II.  You can read the "rules" here.  Once again JAG is very thoughtfully spearheading the operation, and seems to have inspired nearly everyone on WLR, or so it seems!  The thread currently has 222 responses which is phenomenal!

It does mean one huge sacrifice for me... my daily weighing.  We are to abandon the scales for 8 whole weeks, which for me is a rather scary prospect as I tend to go off the rails when I'm not monitoring closely what is happening, but still I'm going to attempt it...

Wish me luck :o)

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